Homeland Security
Regional Homeland Security Oversight Committee (RHSOC) - Region F
The State of Missouri works with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to address homeland security planning requirements in the state, which includes the prioritization and distribution of grant funds. These responsibilities are carried out by the Division of Homeland Security and the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), both located within the Department of Public Safety (DPS). In order to more effectively plan, manage, and administer the Homeland Security planning requirements and funding, the state has been organized into 11 regions.
Region F RHSOC has traditionally supported the region's Mobile Emergency Operations Center (MEOC), Cole County Homeland Security Response Team (HSRT), and Boone County Incident Support Team (IST). Mobile generators, mobile messaging signs, MoSWIN radios, and personal protective equipment (PPE) have also been supported by Region F RHSOC.
Region F includes Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Howard, Miller, Moniteau, Montgomery, Morgan, and Osage counties. A list of current RHSOC discipline chairs can be found HERE. Region F RHSOC is comprised of 16 core disciplines:
City or County Public Works
County Commissioner
County Health
County Sheriff
Director of Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Service
Fire Agencies
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Homeland Security Response Team
Municipal Government
Police Agencies
Private Industry/Public Utility
Volunteer Sector
Region F RHSOC Meetings
Region F RHSOC meetings are held the on the third Tuesday of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). RHSOC meeting time and location information can be found here.
Our Role
The Mid-MO Regional Planning Commission is responsible for assisting the Region F RHSOC in developing a planning process to assess, evaluate, identify, and prioritize existing and needed Homeland Security assets. This planning process is used as a basis for funding and policy recommendations from the region.
The Mid-MO RPC also serves as the primary administrative agent for the committee, which involves completing paperwork, arranging meetings, and facilitating communication between the individual RHSOC disciplines. In addition, the Mid-MO RPC serves as the fiscal agent for the administration of the grant programs after they receive approval from the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).