Local Planning & Technical Assistance
Our staff is available to assist your community with its local planning needs. We work on everything from full comprehensive plans to more targeted planning processes focused on transportation, economic development, emergency management, and more.
We provide technical assistance to our communities in a variety of ways. We’re here to prepare grant applications, assist with compliance requirements that come with state and federal funding, complete studies that have the potential to further community and economic development efforts, and more.
Environmental Reviews
Every project that receives federal funding requires an environmental review to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Luckily, we specialize in environmental reviews that ensure compliance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding requirements. Environmental factors to be considered in CDBG environmental reviews include:
Historic properties
Floodplain management
Wetlands protection
Water and air quality
Endangered species
Farmland protection
Airport hazards
Noise control
Explosive and flammable operations
Contamination and toxic materials
Environmental justice
Our staff also has experience completing environmental reviews for projects funded through USDA-Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) SRF Clean Water Program and Outdoor Recreation Grants, and the Economic Development Administration (EDA).
GIS Mapping
We use ESRI’s ArcGIS mapping software to assist our communities with a wide range of mapping needs, and we incorporate GIS mapping into all of our local and regional planning documents.
We take on a variety of GIS technical assistance projects for our communities at no cost or for a significantly reduced cost, depending on project scope. We can assist with annexations, addressing, utility mapping, sidewalk condition assessments, and more.
Mid-MO RPC also maintains a large database of federal, state, and local data, which we incorporate into our various planning activities, including our Regional Transportation Plan, county-wide hazard mitigation plans, and local comprehensive plans.